- by Crikey, you may just have a point there, too!
why does watchtower say that the 'world-wide preaching work' occurs in x amount of lands, not countries?
well, i have a theory.
hear me out.
- by Crikey, you may just have a point there, too!
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
The need is more for surgical precision, rather than a "Kick the Saloon Door Down and Let Drive with the Six Guns" approach is all I was trying to say!
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
The more we bomb them the more we will create martyrs and Angry Young Men.
This was certainly what happened in South Vietnam; each air raid that caused "Collateral Damage" only created more ready recruits for the Viet Cong. Before that, the French encountered a similar situation in Algeria.
Who was it that said "Those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them"?
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
Actually, The Crusades were launched in response to an appeal for help by the (Christian) Byzantine Emperor. He was facing encroachment by the Seljuk Turks into his eastern territories (modern day Turkey). Unable to contain the threat entirely on his own, the emperor appealed for help from Western Europe. The First Crusade was raised in direct response to that call.
However, the crusaders showed little inclination to deal with the Seljuk Turks. Instead, they marched on from Constantinople (modern day Istanbul), intent on carving out empires for themselves in the Near East. Rather than helping their fellow Christians in Constantinople, a later crusade even sacked that city, delivering to the Byzantine Empire a blow from which it never recovered.
Crusader rule in the Near East was even more heavy-handed than that of the Muslim (Arab) rulers they supplanted. This was especially true of their treatment of the local Christian communities, which were quite significant in number. Brutality on the part of The Crusaders was only exceeded by that of the Mongols, who invaded the Near East several centuries later. These Mongol armies themselves contained a number of Christians, mainly from the Nestorian branch of Christianity.
Of course, excesses on the part of "Christian" Crusaders and others in no way excuse acts of terrorism, such as we have just witnessed in Westminster.
i am certain this has been brought up many times before.
according to john 6.... 44 no man can come to me unless the father, who sent me, draws him,+ and i will resurrect him on the last day.+ 45 it is written in the prophets: ‘they will all be taught by jehovah.+ everyone who has listened to the father and has learned comes to me.
46 not that any man has seen the father,+ except the one who is from god; this one has seen the father.+ 47 most truly i say to you, whoever believes has everlasting life.+.
Particularly back in the days when the WTS set very definite standards for what contituted a "Regular Publisher", we were all led to believe that unless one "reported" each month :
- 10 hours of Field Service,
- the "placement" 12 magazines,
- a certain minimum of "back calls"
- and the conducting of at least one Bible Study
.... then we could safey assume we were all done for.
They certainly read much into the expression "Believe in Jesus Christ"!
this from the latest watchtower article on propaganda:.
"keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if peo- ple .
In other words "Think for Yourself - just make sure the conclusions you reach are the same as ours".
this from the latest watchtower question from readers:.
"how a christian chooses to protect him- self, his family, or his possessions is, of course, largely a personal matter, as is his choice of employment.
that said, bible principles reflect god’s wisdom and his love for us.
Talk about another Tulmud!
hi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Great Teacher - with the number of naturally occurring hot springs in this district, that might be a real possibility!
Otherwise, I started working again today, on a part time basis, and limited strictly to office work. So far so good!
just curious if there are any members from tasmania, australia?.
keep yourself annonymous if you wish, but im just curious.. pm me if you prefer.. .
No longer live in Tassie! Still have a house in Longford (20 km out of Launceston). However, employment issues have seen me now resident on the other side of the Tasman Sea.
i am just curious.. i have a cousin who is a baptist and his church streams their sunday services and i've been checking them out before i go to meeting with my jw wife.. i haven’t been to a church except for the occasional funeral and wedding and the only sermons i had heard were the tel-evangelist type.
anyway, all the church bashing by jws over the years made me unsure what to expect and i was pleasantly surprised.
they do use the bible and they don't spend the whole time begging for money.
Apart from attending funerals, I have attended church only once - and that was purely as a favour to a friend who was experiencing some problems.
I will say that that particular church offered helpful and extremely professional counselling for those experiencing such difficulties. The church's "counseller" was in fact a properly trained health professional who worked alongside, but still independently of, the church's priest. (Contrast that with the JWs, where a Kangaroo Court comprising of one Toilet Cleaner, one Boilermaker and one Construction Labourer tried to deal with an attempted suicide - as happened in the case of my eldest daughter!)
Other than that, I have kept away from religion in any of its forms.